Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Remember for N9 (0.0.4)

Announcing the latest (0.0.4) release of "Remember" for your Nokia N9.

By a rough estimate about 50% of you that read this have an N9 device.  If you don't already have a task list system in place, or if you already use Remember The Milk, "Remember" for your N9 is the perfect, and free, way to use your task list from your phone itself.  Current features include:
  • Reading your tasks and task lists including smart lists
  • Showing your lists in the same sort order you see on the web interface
  • Support for marking tasks as complete
  • Editing tasks (name, priority, due date (tags and list coming soon)
  • Add a new task
  • Add a new list (regular lists only, smart list adding will come later)
Download it here.
Plan for 0.0.5 and beyond
My plan for the upcoming 0.0.5 release is tag editing and changing a task's list.  Then we'll get going with some fun useful features like search and storing the tasks and lists on your device for offline use.

Technical details

Under the hood "Remember" 0.0.2 was using libqrtm which was found on github and improved to provide a TasksModel and ListsModel for the QML interface to display.  With 0.0.3 I changed it to use librtm which comes from KDE (and was developed for the rememberthemilk plasma applet) with some improvements and bug fixes.  Because I use librtm to do the work of talking to Remember The Milk service adding storage and sync capabilities will be added to librtm itself, the KDE plasmoid will get those same features.

If you have any ideas for features you'd like to see added, drop me a comment or e-mail and I'll get to it at some point.

P.S. This application is completely open source, the code can be grabbed from github.com/jpwhiting/remember and instructions for building it are included.  I didn't commit my rtm apikey however, so if you want to build it yourself you'll need one of those.