The KDE gardening team has chosen as it's next target for gardening the documentation/api websites. https://community. The initial objectives are there on the wiki, but feel free to modify/update them if I got anything wrong or something is already in the works. The general idea is to improve these sites by getting kf5 based applications and libraries (which aren't frameworks themselves) apidocs, documentation, and code checks on these sites as they were in Qt4/KDELibs times.
Another good objective is to make them work faster/better by not recreating everything each day, but only incrementally updating their content somehow if possible.
And finally I'd like to get bug products/components for each of them so if issues are found we, as a community, can track the issues and fix them as a team.
The plan is to focus on these over the course of April and May and at the end of May have a gardening day on a saturday to wrap it up like we did on the KRecipes gardening day.
P.S. we'll be using #kde-devel for discussion of this project and how to help contribute, come join us and let's get some stuff working better in this area.