Friday, February 15, 2008

Picross fans, I have not forgotten you

Thismorning while waiting for my ride to work, I spent a couple minutes on kpicross making the create window show up so I could see it. It runs... sort of... anyway, shouldn't be hard to fix it and get it workable so we can all start creating our own picross puzzles for each other ;) Next step will be to hook up KHotNewStuff to it so we can share them :) Then make importing from png files maybe. Anyway, I think it'll be a fun little game for those that like puzzles. So don't despair, it will get some love soon.

Speaking of khotnewstuff, the downloaddialog is working a bit better and I'll be finishing up the goya stuff soon, so when that moves into kdeui (after the required two weeks in kdereview) we'll be ready to check in.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

What is goya?

The other day I mentioned goya in a posting, and liquidat replied that goya is not very known to users, and to explain what it is/does. Really, from a user's standpoint goya is just magic that makes it easy to put buttons, etc. into cells of a view. We get fast searching on lists/tables/trees, etc. by using Qt's Model/View framework, and now with goya we can easily put buttons, lineedits, and other interactive controls besides just text and icons.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

1.1.3 firmware trick

Just a quickie for anyone that upgrades their iphone or ipod-touch to 1.1.3 firmware using linux to put music on their jailbroken device. /var/root/Media is now /var/mobile/Media on the device. I must have spent the last couple hours writing and re-writing to the wrong place and wondering why it wouldn't find my music... Guess the ipod-convenience script needs to put the path in the config file now too ;-)


Well, haven't given any progress reports lately, so here's what I've been up to (in case anyone cares).

KHotNewStuff's download dialog has a major overhaul on my desktop at home using ereslibre's goya library to draw buttons etc. It's much faster, just need to work out some details in the actions coming off the toolbuttons. I think I have an idea for how to handle caching and loading stuff from the internet concurrently (the current model doesn't work, because it falsely assumes reading the disk cache will always finish before loading a provider from the internet.)

In other news, I spent a bit of time playing with kttsd the other night (inserting debug statements, etc.) to try to track down a bug where the output is clipped. Turns out the phonon mediaobject was saying it was done a bit early, so kttsd deletes the job, etc. which causes it to clip. I've installed newer xine libs and will see if that fixes the problem. Until then you can set kttsd to use the alsa audio device and it works fine. I also found out how to get kttsd into the system settings when it's installed, and now speech notifications are persistent because kttsd is run on re-login again :) (time to remove those test notifications on window minimize, etc. before they drive my wife crazy ;-)