Tuesday, November 11, 2008

wow, KMail

Ivan already blogged about it, but I have to join in the festivities, KMail's new interface (using Qt4's model/view framework) totally rocks, it's so awesome and useful, and much faster than before (I use imap, so maybe that's part of it?) It's stuff like this that makes me want to get out there and code, code, code, and make kde totally rock as it already does, but even more so =) Good job guys.


Marc Carson said...

Aaaaggghhhh it's driving me crazy. WHY doesn't anybody upload a screenshot or a video of the new KMail? All these written words of praise and adulation, and I can't even see what it looks like... :D

Unknown said...

Screenshot please :)

djenhar said...

Yes Yes Yes indeed... please pretty please, post some screenies!!

Jeremy Whiting said...

um, errr, it looks the same as before, it's just the way it feels, it's faster, has many more sorting modes, etc. I have yet to record a video, so will leave that to those that know how =)

Petr Mrázek said...


<3 KDE 4.1.72

Ionut said...

I don't like to much your colours for text, is not well readable :)

Ivan Čukić said...

Well, it /can/ look as it used to, but, then again, it can look very different... :)

xPol said...

How easy to manage mail on gmail?