Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Qt5/KDE Frameworks porting steps

As I said in my last post I would elaborate about how porting of libkeduvocdocument (name pending currently) from Qt4 and kdelibs4 to Qt5 and KDE Frameworks happened.

Commits can be seen here but it went like this:
1. Change CMakeLists.txt to look for frameworks and Qt5 packages.
2. Try to build, fix any errors. All while checking the Porting Notes.
3. Port away from deprecated methods.
4. Port away from kdelibs4support.

I forget which part of the above involved each of these, but this is what was changed:
Ported from KUrl to QUrl.
Ported from KStandardDirs to QStandardPaths
Ported from KGlobal::locale() to QLocale
Ported away from other deprecated methods and classes.

So rinse and repeat until it's in a state where you are happy with it.
Note that step 4 above isn't strictly necessary, and is similar to porting Qt4 applications away from Qt3Support (Some kde4 applicationss never were ported away from Qt3Support sadly...) Yes KMouth, I'm looking at you.

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