It's been over a year since I posted anything. That's way too long. So what's going on in the projects I care about lately?
Speech-dispatcher will soon have a 0.8.5 release. There's a set of patches in the works on a branch on github that moves the audio to the server so we will be able to do useful things like label each pulse audio output with the client application name rather than a generic sd_espeak, sd_pico name for each output module. This way you'll see stuff like "Konsole speech", "Konversation speech" etc. volume controls for the speech volume control of the application's speech output. In order for this to work some other refactoring needs to be done in the espeak and other modules so stopping audio playback will be immediate etc.
QtSpeech has had some work done. The android and windows versions have been seeing some love lately. I'm optimistic that it can be included in an upcoming Qt release. Though I'm not sure why it hasn't been included yet.
KMouth has been waiting a QtSpeech release in order for it's kf5/qt5 branch to be merged to master.
KNewStuff could use some work. There was talk at a recent conference about adding the properties and such necessary for it to be used from QML. I'll follow up on that and see what has become of it.
All in all I feel like I haven't been around as much in the above projects as I'd like to have been. Life is busy and work is busy and such. I plan to spend a bit more time on these though. Even if it means I get slightly less sleep. Looking forward to a good rest of the year.
Qt Speech is hopefully going to be included in 5.8, that's the current idea at least. It didn't make 5.7 due to failing in the CI at that time and things were a bit unclear what the plan is about speech recognition. Right now we'll hopefully get it into 5.8 with the recognition parts coming at some point in the future. The module was simply not in shape - Qt modules need to have a good enough quality to be released after all. I do see no further roadblocks thought :)
Yep, I just heard that on irc today also. I'm glad it will be getting released. That's definitely good news.
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