Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Plasma themes via KHotNewStuff

hi again, Anyone out there notice the "New Themes..." button in configure desktop dialog got enabled today? It allows easy access to all the many (7) plasma theme's early adopters have added to kde-look.org. I added the functionality (3 lines of code, and a providers url from Frank to add to the knsrc file) then used it to download all the themes.

Here's the mandatory screenshot:

A couple small problems so far. The so-called themes, aren't all really themes. Pink bunnies is really just a widget style, so needs a whole theme to make it work right (shouldn't be hard to do), and for some reason downloaded slim-glow and ozone don't appear in the drop-down, while Akoma, Aya, and TiComb do (maybe we only scan capital letter folders). Also, heron unpacks without a folder for itself, so maybe wait for the author of that one to repack it into a heron folder before trying that one.

Otherwise, enjoy!

P.S. the above screenshot was taken on my work pc which is not using goya, in case anyone was wondering.


reldruH said...

Maybe I've just missed it, but is there a gui way to configure what theme you're using? I saw the new install plasmoid stuff, but no way to pick a theme.

Jeremy Whiting said...

you can change the theme from within the configure desktop dialog. There's a combobox towards the bottom that says Theme: and the drop-down even shows a rendered preview of the themes you can choose from.

Anonymous said...

I'd triple the thumbnail size :) Lotsa text, but can't see what's on the thumbnails too easily.

JohnFlux said...

Maybe have three columns. The first having the icon.
The second having the Ratings: Downloads: etc details
The third having the description

Marcel said...

Are kde-apps.org and kde-look.org actually moderated? Such a KHotNewStuff feature is pretty useless when the content on those sites is spammed with useless crap that is in the wrong categories...

(see amarok themes for a prime example)

ChALkeR said...

> for some reason downloaded slim-glow and ozone don't appear in the drop-down, while Akoma, Aya, and TiComb do (maybe we only scan capital letter folders)

If i am not mistaken, in those 2 themes the .theme file is named incorrectly or is missing.